Screened in AUSTRALIA, CANADA, INDIA and the USA, this is a powerful documentary about non-violent resistance and courage in an undeclared war.
“No justice, No peace, No autonomy in West Papua” The press conference on WEDNESDAY 2 JULY 2014 was in the Federal Republic of West Papua’s new office in Docklands.
Issued from Abepura Prison. The statement was read by Ronny Kareni at a peace rally outside the Indonesian Consulate in Melbourne on the 15/6/12
Uncle Larry Walsh welcomes the opening of our office in Melbourne on the 23rd of June 2014
Interview by Izzy Brown with Edison Waromi in a church next to Abepura Prison in December 2013
Interview with President Fokorus Yaboisembut in Abepura Prison, 2013
A documentary roundup of the Third Papuan People's Congress at which the Federal Republic of West Papua was declared, and the police and military violence and repression against its participants.
The story of an individual, biography of a Melanesian nation-state. A Presentation by Louise Byrne.
Jacob Rumbiak adresses the Conference 'Democracy and Human Rights in Asia and the Pacific: The Washington Solution' held at George Mason University in 2010
GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY, 2010: Professor Paul James posits the question: what kind of democracy would West Papua head towards as it considers the issue of self-determination?
Read by Fokurus Yaboisembut on the 19th of October 2011, declaring the Independent Nation of West Papua.